dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

As I was a child, I went with my parents to Corsica during the summer holidays. Of course we had to take the ferryboat at Marseille to reach the island.

We left our house very early in the morning. My father was driving quite fast , so we did have time until the boat leaves Marseille.

We enjoyed our trip through Camargue, we admired all the horses and my parents decided to visit one of those “ganaderías”.

Here we are! You may laugh but at the moment it wasn’t funny at all.

Let me tell you what happened. As I was walking along the boxes, I just saw a horse eating. It was so nice and I got closer to it. My mother said to me:
“Lauren, get close to it, I take a photo but be careful don’t touch it while it is eating”

I used to be a naughty girl, I did not listen too much to my mother, so I really wanted to touch it. At the same time my mother took the photo I bended myself towards it, the horse turned suddenly its head and bit my shoulder so strongly that everybody shouted while I was crying. During all my holidays I have got my shoulder completely blue.