Horses are my passion, I ridding horses for 13 years. I have two horses and theirs names are Manix and Arthur.
My first horse was Manix, he is a hispano-arabe, and he is write when
my parents bought his 5 years ago, he was 3 years... and it was the better day of my livee=D
He is one horse very nervious... he is a racehorse!
The last year we were an accident... I had a race with friends and I couldn't stop my horse, and we all fell. And my horse lifted, crushed my stomach.
The ambulance picked me and carryed me at the hospital.
Luckily I did not have anything.
But we know that ridding is dangerous but I do not care because it is my passion! Manix
3 years after my parents bought Manix , they bought me my segon horse: Arthur, because now Manix is too small for me. Arthur is very high and I can do competition for his, because he is a horse race and he tames.
He is very handsome and kind.
In january I will begin the competitions.
1 year ago my horse Arthur was ill. He had a cancer at his hoof.
The veterinarian was to come every week to treat my horse and I had to change the bandage every day.
My parents spent lot of money for treat my horse, but now my horse is much better =)